Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Creative Writing Journal #1

Today our gave us the assignment of taking a photo from Bill Sullivan's Turnstile Photography Project and writing a story about one of the people in the images. We had to create a character based only on the persons facial expression and what they were holding. Here is the person I chose and my story:

Richard Weston is an average old man. His day starts promptly at 6:42 three minutes before his alarm goes off. He descends the stairs and turns right to enter the kitchen. One bowl of raisin bran and one and a half glasses of orange juice later he ascends the stairs to take a shower. 5 minutes at 98.7 degrees F. Today he decides to wear a golden brown blazer, yellow striped tie, and brown pants. He shuffles over to the bathroom mirror and stares blankly at his reflection. He brushes his teeth and hair and again descends the stairs. He scowls as he sees his favorite fedora lying on the floor. With a slightly annoyed attitude he picks up his fedora brushes it off and puts it on his head. He checks the house turning off all the lights and heads out the front door. Today he heads right, towards the subway station on fourth. He walks down the street at a pace just slower than your average walk. Busy pedestrians bustle around him rushing to and from various appointments. One biker yells out at Richard as he narrowly avoids him. Richard turns into a small liquor store and buys some antacid tablets which he stows hastily in his pocket along with the change. He continues towards the subway station grumbling when he comes to an intersection where he has to wait for the light to change. He descends into the subway station and fumbles to get his wallet out. He sighs heavily as he passes through the turnstile. He boards the A train headed west. After two transfers he exits the subway. He follows street traffic as he exits the subway. After three blocks he turns right into a large brick building with a large friendly red door. Inside he gazes up at the large glass chandelier that illuminates the room. As he looks down a small group of people come over and begin to shake his hand and exchange casual greetings. He enters with them into a large ballroom with many seats set up. He notices the podium at the front of the room and sighs again. A man stands at the podium and all the people in the room sit down and listen. The man talks for a while and then calls Richards name. Richard heads up to the podium where the man hands him a certificate and a small black box. The audience stands and gives applause. Richard returns to his seat. After a long while the man finishes talking and the people are shown to another room where food and drinks are set up on tables. The people mingle and some come up to Richard and talk with him. The give him congratulatory pats on the back and shake his hand. When the mingling ends Richard heads back out onto the street. He follows the same path home. He arrives at his door and enters his house. He sets his hat on the hook next to the door and sits down at the kitchen table. He reads over the certificate and opens the small box to see its contents. He sighs heavily. After a while he leaves the certificate and box open on the table and heads up stairs. He takes off his suit, brushes his teeth, and again stares blankly at his reflection. He gets in bed, sets his alarm for 6:45, turns out the light and falls asleep. Downstairs on the table the moonlight illuminates the text on the certificate: "For extraordinary bravery and service beyond the call of duty we the people of the United States of America present Richard Weston with this medal of honor." beside the certificate the moonlight reflects off the small bronze medal sitting in the small black case. The next day at exactly 6:42 three minutes before his alarm goes off Richard gets up, prepares for the day, puts on his hat, and heads out the door. Today he turns left, heading for the bingo house.

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