Friday, January 22, 2010

If I were a ruler with absolute power what would my country look like?

If I had absolute power I would set up a puppet democracy. I would do this so that the people would feel like they have power, but don't. Also if the people get fed up with the government I can stage a military coup and reorganize the puppet government. I would fake my own death to kill any puppet government conspiracy theories. My people wouldn't be too restricted but through propaganda and carefully planned government holidays the people would learn to love their countries "late" founder. I would only allow white collar jobs to be preformed by government approved workers (to prevent greedy CEO's from taking lots of money) and I would mandate that companies use local factories so everyone has a job. I would mandate that streets and houses look clean and presentable, this facade will keep nosy tourists from realizing there is one supreme dictator controlling the country. CCTV will be set up like in Britain. If anything goes wrong I will fake a nuclear attack on my own country and declare war on some small unloved nation to a) grow my empire and b) rally my people around a common cause. I would have scientists build me an orbiting palace/attack platform/space station and if ever threatened by a large enough power I would retreat there and rain missiles down on my enemies. Also if I ever take over the world I will rule from there.

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